Why stopping binge eating is difficult.
The reason you can’t stop bingeing isn’t about willpower or lack of self-control—it’s because you’re engaging in relief eating.
This is a semi-automatic behaviour where eating continues until a sense of balance is restored.
Highly processed foods—like ice cream, chocolate, or chips—work quickly on the brain’s reward system, making them the go-to choices. Instead of focusing on ‘bingeing’ which only describes the act of overeating, relief eating explains the full cycle—the buildup, the eating, and the resolution afterward
Answers to weight loss and weight regain Questions
Why eating systems cause weight to cycle up and down
How does Weighting for Happiness® help with weight loss and regain cycles
Why diets don't work for everyone
What is the difference between recycling weight, cycling weight or yo-yo dieting
People are most familiar with the yoyo dieting, where you are on a diet, off a diet then repeating as your weight fluctuates. This is a behaviour of many women trying to lose weight.
Cycling weight or recycling weight is a more technical term for the same experience but one where there is an explanation for the behaviour. Using systems thinking to understand the real problem rather than focusing on the outcome can lead to real solutions.
What is an eating systems problem and how does it affect weight gain?
An eating system contains your unconscious eating rules. This system sits beneath conscious thought, yet it determines what you eat and when you eat it.
The Weighting for Happiness Program gives you the roadmap, tools, and guidance to bring these invisible rules to the surface for you to examine.
What is the point of knowing if I have an eating system
If you have a recycling weight (yoyo dieting) problem then there is definitely an eating systems that will prevent you from losing weight. It’s a combination of the physical systems that make up the body and the mental (emotional) systems that are interacting with the body systems. Once you can map these systems you can identify the correct intervention point and seek professional help in the appropriate area. Dietitian, doctor, therapist.
Once I understand my eating system, what can I do with it
Understanding how your eating system works will put conscious decision making about food and eating back in your hands.
What is an eating system and how does it affect weight gain
An eating system contains your unconscious eating rules.
This system sits beneath conscious thought, yet it determines what you eat and when you eat it.
The Weighting for Happiness Program gives you the roadmap, tools, and guidance to bring these invisible rules to the surface for you to examine.
Is there only one eating system for each of us?
Your eating system can have many iterations as you go deeper and learn more about yourself.
We talk about three interacting systems that exchange messages (feedback) between them. The physical and emotional systems and the mental models that hold the eating rules you learned in childhood
What is the difference between systems thinking and other weight loss programs
The difference between the Systems Thinking approach and other specialists is that each diagnostician views the problem in their own specialty and may be solving the wrong problem. Systems Thinking looks across the boundaries that other specialists don't.
The medical focus can be on drugs to reduce appetite, gastric banding, or other aspects of your heath.
The therapist will have you examine your life and look at trauma you may have experienced.
The sports specialists will say, it’s simple, move more and eat less.
The dietitian will prescribe diets for you that you are unable to stick with.
Systems Thinking uncovers the underlying reason, and then lets you choose the correct specialist to work with from the above list once you realise eating was a solution, rather than your underlying problem.
What is the difference between systems thinking and other weight loss specialities
What is the difference between the Systems Thinking approach and other specialists?
Each diagnostician views the problem in their own specialty and may be solving the wrong problem.
The medical focus can be on drugs to reduce appetite, gastric banding, or other aspects of your heath.
The therapist will have you examine your life and look at trauma you may have experienced.
The sports specialists will say, it’s simple, move more and eat less.
The dietitian will prescribe diets for you that you are unable to stick with.
Systems Thinking uncovers the underlying reason, and then lets you choose the correct specialist to work with from the above list once you realise eating was a solution, rather than your underlying problem.
Will the program help me lose weight?
The Weighting for Happiness program is not a diet or weight loss program. Although making different food choices based on the insights you will receive from the program may help in losing weight.
My whole family is overweight, how will this help me
The family unit plays a significant role in forming everyone’s eating system. And while there will be food habits and rituals that are common to everyone, individuals in your family will also have their own interpretation. The Weighting for Happiness Program is for discovering yours.
Why have you made the Weighting for Happiness program for women only
Everyone can benefit from understanding their eating system. This program is for women as, all of our experience and research has come from women. Also, puberty, pregnancy, and menopause bring additional challenges to weight management.
I gained weight from taking medication will this program help
The Weighting for Happiness program is not a weight loss program. Weight gain resulting from a health issue requires consultation with your Doctor.
I’m already seeing a counsellor about my weight, will this program help?
If you are already receiving professional help with your relationship with food, we recommend you stick with that one approach to see if it works for you. If you decide after time that your current approach is not working, then working through our Systems Thinking based Programs may show why your current approach did not work.
Why can't I stick to a diet
When you start a diet, depending on the calorie reduction, your body will fight back. It’s invincible, but you don’t understand why. Let’s take a look together at what is happening and how through conversations with yourself you can uncover the issues your fighting against.
Julia's experience is that "I start out with great expectations when I plan a new diet. I know I’ve tried lots of times in the past, but this diet will work. I’m committed, and I know this time it will work. Every other woman in the advertising has lost 30 to 40 Kg. I only need to lose 20. I know it will work, but I’ve always given up in the past."
I can't lose weight no matter what I do
This is a worry for many women. They try diets that seem to work for everyone but them. They struggle but life gets in the way. Family gatherings, kids with problems at school, and even the occasional sweet or salty snack that you need to keep sane.
The problem is often that you’ll unconsciously consume many more sweet or salty snacks that just one. It can be unconscious and unconscious eating can add thousands of calories to your daily intake. But you need it to keep sane. Why? Check out how our Fundamental Program will help you.
I’ve tried diet after diet, punished myself with food deprivation and nothing works.
We understand the relationship with food and weight that many women are totally unaware of. You’re told, ‘This diet has worked for everyone’. So why hasn’t it worked for you? You’re strong. You’re not weak, so why can’t you stick to a diet?
It’s tricky. Every woman is different. She’s had a different upbringing; a different set of experiences and her body is not the same as everyone else’s. If you want to dig deep into why your diet experience seems counter to the media explanations, then did into our 30 conversations on weight and diet history. It explains why your experience needs a your unique story.