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Weight and Dieting History

Weight and Dieting History

You may be thinking - isn’t the past the past? What’s the point of revisiting what’s already gone?


Well, if you want to give up battling with your weight there are four strong reasons you need to return to past for answers.​


  1. Your past decisions and actions have created your current body size and shape

  2. Even when you start a new diet, you bring your history with you

  3. Without examining your history, it is still controlling you

  4. And most importantly, you can’t solve what you can’t see

In this on-line Program you will undertake the most comprehensive stock take of your weight and dieting life - ever. Every aspect of this history will be taken apart and examined in minute detail. You will go back to where the problem started and review all the actions you have taken to fix it. You will examine what’s worked and what hasn’t by looking at the problem over your lifetime.

Over the Programs 23 sessions you’ll discover…

  • Conduct a detailed stock take on where you are today and how you got here

  • Describe your physical and emotional characteristics with and without the weight

  • Map your weight loss and regain pattern over the long term

  • Review all the weight loss solutions used and assess the results

  • Step through each stage of your dieting process and dieting life

  • Weight fixes and fails

  • External pressures and influences on losing weight

  • The multiple costs of dieting.

By the end of the Program, with all your weight and dieting history visible, you will see what worked and what didn’t. It will be clear what’s worth trying again and what’s not. When you have completed the Weight and Dieting History Program you will have taken the first step in breaking out of your weight-gain-loss-regain cycle.


Weight and Dieting History

Weight and Dieting History


Valid for 12 months

✓ Self-paced

✓ 24x7 availability

✓ Secure login

✓ 3 months personal email support

✓ 12-month program access

✓ Work online or download materials

Weighting for Happiness Bundle

Weighting for Happiness Bundle


Valid for 10 years

Courses Included:

✓ Food Choices & Eating Patterns

✓ Family Food Culture

✓ Weight and Dieting History

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